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Use our paramotors & concentrate on your Holiday adventure
Bespoke holidays-MAX 4 pilots
Want to travel with your unit but struggle by ridgid Air freight regs? We have a solution. We at FlySpain are passionate about flying paramotors, our successful paramotor courses and tuition have led students to ask us for a guided option much like what we offer in Paragliding.
We are offering weeks thoughout the year where you bring the glider you fly at home plus your instruments, comms kit etc and we rent you the motor unit and offer guidance and paramotoring holidays around the beautiful area of Andalucia.
Watch the video of Ric and Russ on a 40 k flight to Montellano castle
Push your paramotor boundaries and explore our beautiful South corner of Andalucia, we´ve loads of great paramotor routes to explore.
The First day will be familiarisation with our motor units, geography of the area and an orientation flight. . The remainder of the week will be made up of a mix of out and return routes, overnight stays plus an opportunity for some thermalling practice.
We also offer a midweek trip away, fully supported by GPS tracker and driver, we'll aim to fly to Cordoba, spend the night in the historic town and either fly back and or venture further afield before we have to head home.
All our routes are supported with a vehicle and driver. Accommodation would be at our popular Eagles nest for the most part.
Ideally you need to have either a BHPA Cp power ticket OR equivelent and at least twenty current hours flying a paramotor unit.
N.B - If you´ve ever fancied joining the BHPA we can arrange that during the week including your assessment for your licence, just email us to order your exam paper.
We don´t supply wings or comms, we sell them but we don´t rent them out
Any fuel you burn during the week
Damage incurred to the motor unit, so to save any embarrassment you´ll need to bring a credit card to cover any possible incident.
Polish ground, launch and landing skills, achieve pilot and navigation tasks, option to sit pre-ordered pilot exam
Aimed specifically at either rusty or low airtime pilots. So if you still feel like landings and take off's need brushing up.
If you are unsure what course would be most suitable then do drop us a line, we are here to help!