Another successful tuition week and fully booked until December
Epic EP Paragliding tuition course in October, winter couldnt seem further away. Our classes are full booked till Dec so book early.
We have just updated our calendar for the season ahead with all our new Paraglidering Training courses and our Paramotoring Tuition, as the U.K and most other parts of Northern Spain and Europe wind down for Winter, we start to wind up with plenty of winter sun.
Following the arrival of our latest baby girl and constant barracking by our relatives to be closer, we are opening a School in Wales plus, working in 35 degrees of heat proves a long and hot day. So everone looking to learn to Paraglide or wanting some Paramotoring Tuition look no further.
March has torn by in in a blaze of great weather and successful courses. The Month began with our first of three visits by a Swedish paragliding student returning for more tuition abroad.
Photo Competition winners will be released shortly....but there is still time. Calling all student from our Paragliding Tuition courses or Paramotoring Lessons please send us your photos, winner will receive a FREE guided week.