Club pilot tuition a real winner!
Back at work in Spain
We've celebrated great weeks of flying by BBQ´s and wicked paella cooked by master chief /pilot/mum, Nicola! The club pilot Course this October has been yet another great success – all seven pilots have qualified with over three hours soaring time....
Time to get qualiifed
The club pilot Course this October has been yet another great success – all seven pilots have qualified with over three hours soaring time, a bucket loads of high flights, top landing s, slope landings amid the usual BHPA paragliding tasks etc. Great fun and a great group.
Big Thumbs up
Congratulations to the following mix of Ep and Cp qualifiers : Ed Newcombe, Jenny White, Peter Brindle, John Kirby, Guy Hollingwood , James Poole, Donald and Lilian Taylor, Huw and Aiden from Northern Ireland, Tim Capon , Simon Dennett, Ryan Banton from London, Alan Vick and David Coultous, Martin Wynpenny from the Lakes, Colin Palmer of Bristol, and of course Mick Stayner from Gibraltar.
Check out the photo gallery for more pics and videos or click here for testimonials from last week!
For more info on our courses on paragliding tuition click there or following this link to our calendar page for course availability